Pond Boss
Posted By: CoachB Do I need to plant anything? - 02/19/09 01:23 PM
The ice will be leaving my new Michigan pond in about a month and I can't wait for the first spring and stocking. I am new the forums and am overwhelmed (in a good way!) with all of the great information. I dug my 1/2 acre pond late summer last year and it just finished filling this winter. It has steep sides and no flats until 4 feet, with a depth of 15 feet. Do I need to plant anything, or do I let nature plant the weeds? I will place structure (pallets and PVC) in certain spots, but am concerned about weeds overtaking the pond. Thanks in advance.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Do I need to plant anything? - 02/20/09 12:55 AM
What are you goals?

What fish species do you want?

It is going to be aerated?
Posted By: CoachB Re: Do I need to plant anything? - 02/20/09 03:02 AM
thanks for the questions, CJBS. It will help my thought process.

I am looking for a fishing and swimming pond with LMB BG and HBS. I don't need lunkers in any of the groups, just want to have fun in my back yard. Plan on harvesting for food. beyond that, I want it to be as clean as possible.

I like lily pads and bull rushes, but have read lots about them filling a pond. I grew up fishing big lakes, so often think of weeds as structure. I know that it is different in a pond, just trying to understand what happens. I want the pond to look natural with plants along the shore that grow into the water if necessary. my pond is four feet deep after about 4 feet from shore. I read about Arrowhead and Pickerel weed, and they sound great. I also don't want to deal with pots and such.

I plan on aerating, but maybe not the first year (cost).

Any feedback is great. The pond is a clay pit filled with water and ice right now. it is a pretty empty canvas.

Posted By: adirondack pond Re: Do I need to plant anything? - 02/20/09 03:34 AM
CoachB, Pickerel weed can be transplanted very easily, I've taken it from lakes and put into the pond with great results.
Haven't planted arrowhead yet, but both pond plants appear to stay pretty much in less than 1ft. of water.
Good Luck with your pond.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Do I need to plant anything? - 02/20/09 07:03 AM

If the question is, do I need to plant anything to reach my listed goals... No, but your personal preference may dictate something else. It sounds as though this pond is as much for fishing and swimming as it is for aesthetics. So below are a list of possible options...

As adirondack said, pickerel weed is easily transplanted and will do quite well in your pond and will grow into about 1 foot of water. It produces a cluster of white flowers in the summer.

Arrowhead is also easily transplanted and will grow in up to about 2 feet of water. It produces a purplish colored flower on a spike in the summer months.

Sometimes local names are different, but if by bull rush you are referring to cattails, you can definitely plant them. I like the way they look personally as well. They can get a bit out of hand, but can be controlled with herbicides if need be. I feel they provide great habitat for wildlife and mosquitofish, banded killies and other forage fish often take refuge in them.

Wild form lily pads can easily take over a pond so care should be taken. However, there are commercial sources for hybrid water lilies that aren't invasive and will not take over your pond. These maybe something you might want to consider if you are interested in water lilies.

Sweet flag or calamus is another shoreline option. It looks a little like cattail and has an interesting flower that looks like a creamy yellow club.

There are also several species of iris that are adapted to shoreline pond applications. Some are highly invasive though, so be careful which species you choose.

You can also consider planting shrubs or trees that are well adapted to life next to a pond. If this interests you, let me know and I will give you a list of shrubs and trees adapted to your area...

I would not worry about submerged aquatic vegetation. If it is a swimming pond, the weeds will be unwanted.

As far as the fish species to be stocked in your pond. Your basic LMB BG pond can sometimes be difficult to manage, but if you start it off right, you'll save yourself a lot of work in the long run. By HBS in your post, I am assuming you mean HSB(hybrid striped bass)? If so, here are my recommendations...

This spring, stock 10-20 lbs of FHM to your pond in the fall stock 250 BG.

The following spring, stock 30 LMB. Then the following spring after that, stock another 30 LMB. If you are interested in the HSB I would say stock around 25 without aeration or feeding in the fall each year. HSB do not reproduce so you will have to stock them annually. The first couple years you can get away with stocking smaller fingerlings, but as the LMB age, you will have to stock larger HSB or they will become expensive LMB feed! Feeding your fish will certainly assist the HSB and the BG. That is up to you though. Aeration is not an absolute, but if finances allow it may be advisable particularly as the pond ages. If you are looking for food fish and sport, CC may be another option that is low maintenance but adds another option for the table and will not affect the balance of your pond.

The plants I listed will give your pond good aesthetics if planted to your taste. They can also help give your pond that "always been there" look. It seems to me you want to enjoy fishing in your pond, but you don't desire anything overly fancy. The combination and numbers of fish I recommend stocking should keep things basic, but provide the fishing and food you desire.

Hope this helps...
Posted By: CoachB Re: Do I need to plant anything? - 02/20/09 12:31 PM
Thanks for the great info. This has help a lot! I will start looking up those plants. I am interested in the trees and bushes. I want to keep most of the shoreline accessible, but don't mind some clumps that I can cast across. I have woods at the Northeast corner (old growth), but have room to put stuff under the trees along the shore. The rest is open with the new house going in on the north shore.
Posted By: CoachB Re: Do I need to plant anything? - 02/20/09 12:42 PM
I'll keep this mostly about plants, but do want to follow up about the stocking. Yes, I was thinking stripers. Jones hatchery has it on the list. I am not a catfish person, so was not planning on them. Do I really have to wait that long to stock the BG and LMB? I am brand new to this. I want to do it right, but it is disappointing. Why should I wait? If this should be moved to a different forum, let me know.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Do I need to plant anything? - 02/20/09 09:10 PM
As far as trees and shrubs for water's edge... Some good options for your area:

red and yellow twig dogwood
red-osier dogwood
arrowwood viburnum
common and European alder
shadblow and downy serviceberry

swamp chestnut oak
swamp white oak
river birch
Amereican sycamore
water tupelo

and my personal favorite weeping willow...

All these species are adapted to your more northern climate. They should be planted anywhere from about 5 to 20 feet from your pond's edge. Look them up on-line and you can get an idea as to what each one will look like, growth rates etc...
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Do I need to plant anything? - 02/20/09 09:11 PM
I'll answer your questions about stocking in your new post...
Posted By: adirondack pond Re: Do I need to plant anything? - 02/20/09 11:45 PM
Brian, one of the shrubs that CJ had on his list, Buttonbush, I planted next to the pond and around the property this past spring.
Got 100 from the state, only $30., they love wet soil, but can grow in or out of water.
They grew very well, but the deer also took a liking to them.
Your state probably has plants available at a reasonable price.
This spring Elderberry.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Do I need to plant anything? - 02/21/09 03:06 AM
Elderberry is definitely a good good option as well... If you do have deer in the area, you will have to look into protecting your seedlings or purchase sizes that are out of the reach of a deers mouth.

This link may be of help... http://www.michigan.gov/documents/dnr/DirectoryOfMichiganSeedlingNurseries-IC4175_258828_7.pdf
Posted By: 2catmom Re: Do I need to plant anything? - 02/21/09 02:40 PM
Hi Coach B:
Welcome to Pond Boss Forum, hope you get the magazine, it is the best. I am in SE Michigan too, on a subdivision Lake, so it is different than yours. We may do a fish kill this year (gizzard shad problem) and we have huge Largemouth Bass, and lots and lots of bluegill. Would have to check, but maybe you could take some of these fish if that isn't against the law, would make me happy for some to get a home instead of going to the great fish heaven in the sky.
Posted By: CoachB Re: Do I need to plant anything? - 03/26/09 01:46 PM
I have a pond in my neighborhood that we could throw a few in. I am too nervous about my pond though. I would worry about fish disease and, heaven forbid, zebra mussels.

I also tried to figure out how to do the logo for subscribing and couldn't figure it out.
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