Pond Boss
Posted By: chrispratt11 New House, New Pond Question - 07/04/11 04:29 PM

I am a brand new pond owner and am in need of a little help and direction. I live in the NorthEast. My pond is relatively small and has this plant (see attached) growing on one side. Anyone know what type of plant this is and how to get it out. Also any suggestions on how to clear up the water

Attached picture IMG_0549.JPG
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: New House, New Pond Question - 07/05/11 02:24 AM
It is one of the larger leafed pondweeds - Potamogeton . Cant ID it for sure with out better close up pictures and then it can be iffy if one does not see the seeds or specialized plant parts. The plants as they become more abundant will have a clearing affect on the water. More plants = clearer water. Any fish or bottom feeding fish in the pond such as koi? The clearer the water the deeper the plants will 'want' to grow.

If the pond is small I would manually manage them with one of those Y shaped cutters such as a 'weed razor' or similar tool. When cut the stems will float and you can remove them.
Posted By: chrispratt11 Re: New House, New Pond Question - 07/07/11 08:16 PM
Thanks Bill. I will try and take a better pic tonight. We just added rainbow trout to the pond, about 30 of them. This may be a no no, but any chemicals I could use to kill the Potamogeton and other small weeds. The pond is small, but I'm not sure I could get at the weeds with a weed razor.
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