Originally Posted by legacy pond
Has anyone else here tried to establish a early spawn for your Largemouth bass and if so how were your results ? My end game here is to create a successful spawn and raise them to one inch or so and introduce to my pond.. I feel the introduction of the minnows could have been the start of the problem and maybe pellet fed the three bass inthe tank. my next go at this will have to wait til late April or early May when the water temp in pond gets around 61. Any thoughts on this ?

Unless you have a way to adjust photoperiod AND temp, I doubt you will be able to get them to spawn earlier. That means keeping them indoors in a totally covered black tank with no light and you turn on a light over the tank for "X" amount of hours per day. ANY extra light will mess up the process.

The place that I know that worked with Walleyes to get them to spawn ANY month of the year fed the fish pellets and was able to manipulate both water temp and photoperiod.