Great point FishinRod, I think ~10,000 gallons was $100, but I need to look back further and see if this was summer or winter usage. Luckily, I have two kids now off to college, so my overall usage should go down. Since I'm in somewhat of a crisis mode now, I ran water directly into the pond for 4 hours. Probably about 1000 gallons from my timed 5 gallon bucket timed test. It raised the water line ~1-1.5", so I'm probably not adding more than 1%. So if I can do this now to stop the bleeding and get through triage, I think I can find a 1000 or 2000 gallon tank to put near the pond to use in the future as a containment to store before releasing to the pond in case I need to do this again. During triage, if I can offset evaporation and maintain, I might be able to save the rest of them. Thx again for the suggestions and comments.