We talked about packing it full of clay. where the water is seeping out there is a troth cut into the rock like water really gets to moving through there maybe when it rains a lot. Right now my area is in a moderate drought. There was also a big hole in front of the cave along the path of that troth that has water in it which makes me think water has been eating at it for a very long time. They packed the hole full of clay. We are going to see what happens when we get a big rain and see if water makes its way out of there. There is still some rock showing above the cave that I forgot about until you mentioned it. I will have to bring it to their attention just in case they are not aware of it. They are kind of the go to guys for ponds around here. I've only heard good stuff about them. They do admit that they have never encountered anything like this though. I put that sewer camera and it seems to only go about 30 feet and I did not see any other tunnels. That camera is not the best and the light i added to the camera didn't work as well as Id hoped. I appreciate the advice this is definitely out of my realm of expertise.