Everybody, we moderators know that the forum is having problems. Here's what everybody needs to do, including the moderators. This has been requested by LeighAnn. Email her the problem at leighann@pondboss.com. In the email, you should list the following:

1) Your forum user name.
2) The date and time of the issue
3) What the issue is - i.e. can't post a picture or the forum is slow. If it's "the forum is slow", please give her a length of time in seconds or minutes. Like " When I click on a thread it takes 40 seconds to open."
4) If you can include a screen shot of the issue, please do so and include that in your email to her.
5) Tell her what you are using to access the forum. Desktop, phone, tablet, etc.

Please note that she cannot fix the problem herself, she has to email this to Pro Boards fix-it team and they are notoriously slow to respond. We are guessing that they are on the other side of the world and English is not their primary language if you know what I mean. She can't call them on the phone, her only way of contact is via e-mail. You e-mailing her the problem in the above format makes it much easier on her to forward that to the Pro Boards help team. If everybody gets onboard with this whenever there is a problem, and we help her flood Pro Board fix-it team maybe we will get the issue fixed. Sending a PM to the mods or emailing the mods just make us mods do the above email, and then it seems to Pro Boards that just us mods are the ones bitching about it.

For instance, take the not being able to post pictures issue. They are telling her that they tried to post a picture and it works fine, but we are still having a problem. She said the more people that send emails, the harder Pro Boards will look at the issue.

Right now the forum is running slow. It takes me anywhere from 15 seconds to 50 seconds for a thread to open or for me to be able to respond to a thread. Texas Fishing Forum doesn't have this issue (< 1 second for me to open a thread there), nor do they have a problem with anyone posting pictures there. According to Pro Boards both this forum and that forum are set up the same and should work the same. They aren't.....