Hi, I've been reading old posts about aluminum sulfate and understand that it is safe if your ph is greater than what mine is-over 8.2 without buffering. Maybe this is a premature post, as I have just added my first application today. I first added 50lb. the p.h. dropped to about 7.6. Hours later I tested p.h. again and it was over 8.2 again. Added another 50lb. the first time it coagulated a deep green mess that was unnetable. After the second it was more like an ice color. I'm afraid I have added way too much and that my problem was algea, rather than what I thought before I added any- suspended clay particles. There are very few fish anyway, however, if I have killed the bass my husband is going to be upset. It is a sand bottom most of the way around with shell and clay underneath, that are exposed in several areas, that all ranges from 1" to 5' then there is an area that is probably 7' deep about 12X12 area. That deep spot is where the spring is and we filled it with roofing tile directly after digging out the 2 years of settled muck, when we had it drained to build a huge waterfall. Made out of limestone, hence my outrageous p.h. I'm so worried, I forget what my question was. How am I going to get rid of the coagulated stuff? All I have are 6 mudpots at the bottom of one of the shallow sand areas. No filters, just leaf baskets filled with aquarium fiber on the inside. Any comfort or comments would be greatly appreciated. God willing I will just wake up to some new perfection in the morning!