Once a pondmeister, always a pondmeister -- even when you sold your pond.

A friend & I recently fished 4 days at a favorite 12 acre pond in south Texas, since I no longer have a pond. I have fond memories of catching many 5 plus lb LMB there, all the way up to my all time biggest, a 27 incher we estimated at 11.5 lb (she wasn't full of eggs). Other folks have also caught 12 lb there.

That was then, this is now. Pond has been left totally unmanaged for years, and the fishery has declined sharply. Sure, there must be a few giants left, but now the average LMB is skinny and less than 1lb. In four days we didn't catch a single bass larger than 2 lb.

So I have a modest proposal to change this state of affairs & want to hear what folks a lot smarter & more knowledgeable than I have to say. More in another post!