Hi all. I have been lurking on this sight for several months and have learned lots but have never posted. I figured It was about time that I joined in. We are in North West Kansas. Our pond was technically started by my grandad in the early 90's. He built the dam and installed a windmill to feed it but it didn't hold water consistently. After a bad drought in the early 2000's it completely dried up and wouldn't hold water for more than a few days even after large rainfalls. Even though it wasn't the best pond, I still have lots of great memories growing up around it. I had alwase wanted to renovate it but never found the time. Now I have two young boys and want them to have those same experiences, so last winter decided to make it a priority.
I knew nothing about building ponds but knew how to dig a hole so figured it couldn't be that hard. Luckily I got in contact in with Snipe from a Facebook post he made and realized he lived just down the road from me. He set me strait on what it would actually take to make this thing work and has been a huge help all along the way. We still have a lot of work left but I'm really enjoying learning new things.
The new pond is about 2/3 of an acre and 9ft deep . We have stocked bluegill, red ear sunfish, and added a few large mouth this fall. [Linked Image]
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