We were typing at the same time. Reread my prior post. You don't need any more FHM. I don't think Laggis will have any SMB this spring - sells out in fall.

If you decide to get some NY crayfish you won't need very many (50-200) to get them established if you have some decent rocky cover / habitat. The crays will eat the FA growing on the rocky areas.

If you feed pellets to the YP from Laggis they will not eat very many FHM and you will be amazed how many FHM you have by Fall without SMB to eat them. Laggis' YP come from a very good Ohio grower with premium YP where I get my YP. Often I am there when Laggis is or was just there in late March. If you feed the YP very good pellets some will grow to 13"-14" with a few 15" if you don't eat them first.