I'll try to cool my jets a little. The spot I didn't/don't want to get into is...."You had all winter to work on this step and now you need to do this step before moving on to the next one."

Where we started on the project was finding a little land that we could build the forever home on. We looked at lots of weird shapes (pie, trapazoids, U's and L's). Some bordered on the railroad tracks, others didn't have slope for a pond or were just such a rats nest of overgrowth that it was a project we didn't want to take on. After finding "our little slice of heaven", purchasing we moved on to the waiting game not only for closing but crops had already been sewn. We allowed the farmer to finish up harvest before starting most of the test holes to confirm we could get the pond in and what the final pricing would look like.

Crops came out in Oct this year and it was pretty much a mad dash to get the pond built (at least for me). Our excavator did a pretty good job overall but his sense of urgency and mine were in a little different zones. The pond did get built, made it pretty much on budget which I am very thankful of.

The waiting is a tough one. This dream has been in the works for years.

I appreciate all the responses and the pointers, even if it's "cool your jets and wait for spring".