Dave, while a teenager I kept an aquarium of native fishes. Had a LMB, a couple of BG, a GSF, a LES, and a very large White River Crayfish. Was a hoot. I would feed them earthworms and FHM. The little LMB would catch FHM and the tails would hang out just like you mention above.

In papers I have read on consumption they remark about how small LMB tend to take larger proportioned prey than larger LMB do. They attributed that to the growth strategy for survival. IOWs the risk of choking is weighed against the risk of not growing fast enough. They thought the greater risk of larger prey was balanced by increased growth and improved chances for survival.

Was a lot of work and $(FHM) to keep that aquarium clean and the fish fed. The crayfish in prep for molting tried to block off the entrances under his rock with gravel. It was a flat rock supported by 3 stones. But this didn't save him. When he molted, the BG turned on their sides swimming under the rock and picking him apart. I didn't see it myself but a friend who slept over did. After losing the crayfish I decided to release them all and at my Dad's prompting undertook raising guppies as a diversion.