Bruce, I noticed where you used krill and some other things to feed fry, but it is in tanks or lined ponds. I wouldn't be doing that but I have put out beds where I think the bluegills will most likely want to bed. In the spring the shore side of the beds will have a lot of emergent vegetation including grasses that like to live in a few inches to a foot of water, sedges, water primose, and a little elodea, and coontail. My pond is mostly steep slanted sided so there isn't a lot of places with the water depth and the flatness that would work for them. There is another place but it is also where we play and stomp around so I put out gravel to try to attract them to the other places.

Unless you think it would be a waste of money I might try putting some out in places I think would hold fry, and look more closely than I have for them. The thing is when they leave their nests they are going to be about like mesquito lava or smaller wont they? I quess if they dont eat it larger zooplankton and small insects that will become fish food too will eat it. I can see everyday now as I feed 1 inch BG come to the really shallow water and feed off sunken softened pellets, but I guess I am referring to fry just off the nest.

I'll check out your link but the way I will be doing it is it worth a try? I agree it wouldnt be as much fun, but I guess the point is will it work? And they might be like other fish that feeds once they get a taste of it they will swarm to it. I know that baby FH's stay in areas like I described and who knows at speck size they might not all be FH's.

BTW my giant brush piles that go from 10' deep to very shallow are on the outside (open pond) of the shallow sand flats I have put the out gravel nests in little bowls about 12 to 13 inches wide with about 4 to 5 inch divides between them. Going towards shore is the emergent weeds and grasses then at that time of year there is flooded living brush and brambles.

And thanks for taking the time to answer.

Last edited by Bill Webb; 10/18/07 02:32 PM.

I wish I had the tenacity of GSF!