Originally Posted By: Bill Webb
 Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1

Maybe I should use my larger males and cross with female Condello gills? Or if there are enough fish in the pond it's not something to be concerned about. Most literature I have seen says 30 to 50 pairs per acre and since the breeding pond is only 1/10 acre that does not allow a lot of breeding pairs.


I was reading your post.

Thanks for the link. I read it and they were referring to stocking brood stock in raising bluegill. That makes sense.

Okay that link brought up a another question that has been floating around with about a million others. They talk about feeding the new fry supplement crumble feed. I have seen where Purina sells a powdered food for fry.

Has anyone put out fry food around areas of cover where fry congregate? I know FH's and other small critters will get some too, but since it seems that how large a bluegill eventually gets has a lot to do with how much it grows the first year has anyone tried to feed fry in a regular pond setting?

Like I said I dont feel like I know anything or just enough to be dangerous. But inquiring (ADD) minds want to know.

Bruce is the man to talk about this. He's already done it. I'm a newby at seriously producing bluegills fry. I believe Bruce says as soon as one can see the fry it's time to put out the feed.


If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.