Originally Posted By: Bill Webb
Hi Cam:

How did you get that little box with my post to you inside your post to me?

"Treachery is something you learn well in old age however so I'm usually successful..." I'm 55 so I'm getting there.

Bill, when you go to answer a post you see at the bottom it has a bunch of little boxes? One says "quote" and if you hit that one it will put everything in a box so it will be more understandable what and who you are answering.

You are way old enough to learn treachery as you are older than I am. Maybe it's just an inherited trait though and something you just won't be very good at if you haven't learned it by now. Get an old broom and hold it in your hand and then try to practice it around Halloween for optimal results. I will warn you though that women are usually better at it than men so it may be you will fail anyway.

I can't possibly name all my fish and don't really know how many I have. I only name some of them and those are the ones that stand out in some way. They may be marked differently or act a bit odd or be a regular to a spot or a little larger than the rest. Whatever the difference is they stand out and get a name. Most of the bluegill I just call, "Dinner" and I just try not to look them in the face too hard.

I have read and read the aeration posts. It's exhausting trying to figure out what exactly is best for a given pond or a given situation as there are so many factors to consider. I also threw some trees in for my little fish this year and I raised the pond level a couple feet 2 years ago - which presented me with another problem I have to figure out. I'm still not sure if all that is left is so steep. One one side it is for sure but maybe not on the other side. It's does look like it's slanted and I guess it goes down probaby about 13 -14 feet now that the water level is so low. I think it used to be 17 foot at the very deepest but that was just in one little place. The pond has never been a nice clear green but I hope to make it like that in the future. It's fed a lot from run off and I used to cut the grass all around it. I suppose the clipping were ending up in the pond. Anyway, I want to figure a way to where the water isn't so "fertilized" This is the fisrt year I've been able to see anything at all in the pond and I'd love to be able to keep it nice - even now it's not really all that clear it's just shallow... I'm going to go look at your pond photos now - keep practicing treachery...

You'll find me at the pond.