Originally Posted By: george1
Bassponder, if you'll put in an automatic feeder it will dramatically increasee the "fish feeding learning curve".
Use Purina AQMX as suggested and increase to 600 pellet size as Bruce reacommneds.

Your fish will be waiting at the dinner table when time for feeder to go off...

George I bought a Moultrie feeder a few months ago and it probably works just fine for what it does but it only feeds at dawn and dusk. Maybe they have something I can buy to change that I dunno. I haven't been using it and anyway part of what I love about my pond is getting to feed :). I watched my fish a long time and scheduled my feeding time at what time my bass were most actively hunting bluegill and insects and in my pond that was between 12PM - 2PM. I always assumed they hunted real early and late as I've been told that all my life but not my bass - they forgot to set their watches and that's what time they prefer to eat so I oblige. I've been real busy the last couple days so haven't been able to order the 600 yet but thank you so much for the advice.

Last edited by Bassponder; 10/01/07 07:01 PM.

You'll find me at the pond.