Originally Posted By: DJT
I would stop feeding the meat and live bait for a while and only offer the pellets. I have noticed that when we offer a large number of crickets/hoppers in the feeding area before giving them pellets the fish will be reluctant to eat the pellets because they are waiting for something better. I don't think it's because they are full since they will still attack any extra crickets offered. It's like filling up at the salad bar before the steak arrives. If they realize that it is pellets or nothing I think they will feed.

Also I have noticed our fish seemed the like aquamax500 better than the game fish chow we were feeding. Often when feeding the GFC the fish would take a pellet, swim below and spit it out. I have not seen them do this with aquamax. However it is twice the price of GFC.

The one fish I just got to eat in the past couple of days hasn't eaten anything at all from me all summer long or ever for that matter although he shows up almost every day. Except for one bass and some bluegill none of the others have ever eaten any of the commercial food in three years that I've been watching and only this summer have I just started to feed meat and bread and throw some hoppers in that I can catch from the banks. So I guess in three years they'd rather eat nothing (well they eat other fish I guess) than eat that feed and that one poor skinny bass that is such a poor hunter would rather starve to death than eat what he sees me throw out every day - until 2 days ago.

I don't care how much the aquamax costs - it can't cost more than meat - especially when you add up what the venison and wild turkey I feed them a lot ends up costing in the end. Is Aquamax a Purina product also and if not would I be able to order it from any feed store or just certain suppliers?

Thanks for answering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You'll find me at the pond.