NEWS FLASH--- This just in.... At approximately 6:15 P.M. tonight witnesses reported seeing a deranged man braving a mosquito infestation walking along a dam deep in the woods in Southern Michigan. Witnesses told our reporter that the fellow was flailing his arms around wildly swatting at unseen bugs and counting out loud with every step he took. When the fellow reached the end of the dam and had counted 97 paces he ran back to a waiting running Honda Rubicon and fled the scene at a high rate of speed. (end of story -30-)

So 97 X 3' = 291 feet. I wouldn't have believed that the curves would have added 39'. That would put Blaine within 19 feet, GW at 91 under, Dr. Bruce at 74' over and Sunil at 158' over.

Couple Jack Daniels Single Barrel toddys and ya could almost forget the mosquitoes....almost.

Mistakes are proof that you are trying.
