well i've been remiss in my pondmeister duties since early july, it has been a very busy summer! i had the extreme enjoyment of floating around on the jon boat this afternoon, enjoying an adult beverage, being followed by clouds of mosquito fish and curious GSF and BG. i took several measurements around the surface and averaged them up to put another point on the plot.

i am SOLD on the "night-only" bottom aeration, we have been in a big heat wave w/ daytime air temps to 105 and the average surface temp was only 85.....it simply cant get any higher as we are coming off a week of this heatwave w/ cooler weather ahead. the pH seems to have stabilized (all things being equal) around 9, but interestingly, in the surface water above the upper stream channel where the elodea and pondweed are prodigious, the pH was 9.4.....everywhere else it was 8.9 to 9.1. temps were also slightly higher in this area though.

anywho.....JHAP, i know you'd like to live vicariously through my data (you know, get a feeling for how yer pond is doing), but our situations have become quite different this summer now that i am aerating (and you have fresh spring water input).

the overall water level is down between 5 and 6 feet, the deep end still contains ~9 ft with two months to go.....fingers crossed, fish are happy and want to be fed each night, but i've been holding off, and only feeding about every three days or so.

GSF are people too!