we've had four really interesting sitings in the past week. a week ago, my wife was looking down over the hill from our driveway and saw an adult cougar sitting on his hind legs with his front legs straight (like house cats do, kinda like a sphynx). she said it blended in so well, she thought at first it was just a clump of grass, she turned her head for a minute, and when she looked back, it was gone.

three days ago, i saw probably the same cat across my property stalking a fawn or jack rabbit, i couldnt tell the prey, it ran too fast into the trees, then i saw the cougar slinking low through the grass approaching the area the prey ran into. from across the canyon, it heard me walking on the driveway, turned and looked, then took off into the woods.

day before yesterday, my wife (with binoculars in hand), looking into the same spot she saw the cougar, saw an adult bobcat carrying an adult rattlesnake in its mouth. the bobcat was unaware of her presence, and she got a fantastic long look at this....but not long enough to get the camera, it was gone when she came back out w/ camera.

last night before retiring to bed, i was outside infront of garage. have you ever seen a domestic cat get into that crazed rage and race around? in the darkness below our driveway i heard something dashing around and then jumping onto a pine and climbing about 10 feet up into....then it kind of grunted and yowled twice, i grabbed the flashlight, and just caught the bobcat descending from the tree and tearing off into the woods.....all this while taking in some nice meteors last night (persyiad (sp?) meteor shower).

GSF are people too!