Thank you all for your kind thoughts and words. Well, it is obvious that I made it out alive. I swear, a hospital is no place for a sick guy. I am back home and am doing quite well. I should have checked in sooner, but it has taken me a little time getting back to the computer.

I am really surprised at the rate of recovery considering the assault on my body. I now have a neat 10" incision scar and several assorted tube hole scars, etc. to add to my collection. The hospital staff start the recovery literally the evening after the surgery by making you get out of bed and sit in the chair every couple of hours. The day after the surgery when they took me out of ICU, I was told I had to make a quota of 5 laps around the hall. Within 3 days I was up to 25 laps. I had the surgery Tuesday morning and was discharged on Saturday by lunch. There were 2 nights that were very rough pain wise, but all in all it was not as bad as I had envisioned. It would have been a little better if the hospital system would allow patients to actually sleep for more than an hour and a half at a stretch. I could not wait to get home just to get some shut-eye.

I am not allowed to do any physical work, nor can I drive for a month. Otherwise, I am up and walking and feeling real good. Spending lots of time accepting the pampering, watching the tube, playing on my banjo and hanging out. Thanks, again for all your support.