I stocked the FHM around the middle of Aug. and the HBG-100,RES-50,CC-20 the first of Sept. I havent seen any of the CC since stocking and only a few of the res or hbg early on but not lately. I am curious to know if they have grown any in 2 month and if indeed they are eating the FHM, original stocking they were 3-5" fish all leaning towards 3.5 to 4" none at the 5 " mark. The CC were from 8-12" and I worried that they were big enough to eat the 3-5 inch fish.
Do you think that I will need to get some more FHM for the winter?
Also I did notice very small fish about a inch long but they are too shy for me to try and net, actually they all are much savy then me I havent been able to scoop anything out of the water.

A little snow, Please!