The goose grabber. \:D



ML :

Like George's goats those CG ( Bill's quote " flying toilets" ) can be very aggressive. They love new fall grass and will pick a area clean and leave piles for you to deal with. See the PB link from early this year on 20 geese = 1 cow.;f=20;t=001634



No offense taken, at all.

I understand full well what a fowl bird (water turkeys in my case) can do. The Canadas are very rare here and hence, their appearance is just a delight (but I also subscribe to the Ben Franklin addage that fish and visitors stink after three days ).


ML, how is the new propane cannon working?



ML :

Don't stand near those birds when the cannon goes off. They will take off and make a deposit on you quicker than a bass strike. \:D


mr willy

This doesn't have much in common with the thread but is a funny story just the same. About fifteen years ago there was a guy who used to feed the Canadian geese at a lake in Rochester Minnesota. The city for the most part hated the birds, lots of crapping, getting in the way of cars etc.. A large flock living year round in this partially heated lake. Some people would park their cars by the lake and feed the birds bread, So after a spell the birds became very tame. A mother and her daughter were feeding the geese one day, when the little girl noticed that a goose that had gone under one of the parked trucks and did not come back out. She told her mother about the bird and the two of them watched a second goose disappear the same way. They explained this to a cop who was driving through the parking lot. When the officer went to investigate the four wheel drive truck, he noticed while talking to the driver, that a large hole had been cut out of the trucks passenger floor board and broken pieces of bread in the seat above. This guy was waving the bread through the hole, and when the poor goose would poke his head up into the truck, the enterprising hunter would grab the neck of the bird, spin it around a few times and throw them behind the seat. They found out later on that this old guy had been doing this for years. Maybe we could find this fella and send him ML's way.