Mudcat Joe goes scouting.

Member # 1117

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posted August 10, 2006 11:48 PM

I did enjoy the scouts. Not many merit badges, and no rank above First Class, but I wouldn’t trade the memories for anything, and having a great scoutmaster who lived the values of scouting helped mold my life and many others.

Mudcat Joe, on the other hand, sez the bestest thing about them scouts is the snipe hunts. “Heck, one time, they took me out, and them worthless scouts musta’ got lost, ‘cause I never seen them no more that night. I never saw no snipe, neither, but I know they done their best for me, so next day I found a hognose snake and left it in their tent for them to play with. Sorta a pet, don'cha know. When they went in to go to sleep, that hog nose musta’ thought they wuz after him, ‘cause he reared up and flared out like a cobra. I could see his shadder on the tent wall, and it was downright purty, but it shore looked big in that lanternlight. Them scouts musta' scared off every snipe in the country with all their yelling and carryin on,” Mudcat sez, with a far away look in his eye. “They scared the hognose, too. He jes’ rolled over like he was ded and proceeded to stink up the place somethin’ awful. Yep, I shore did like that snipe hunt, but they never asked me no more. I don't know why.”
Mudcat's friend,
Lou, Troop 7