Now you need to worry Brettski. You have contracted Condelepathytism. It is an wide spreading case of a mixture of telepathy and hypnotism (among PB members) that comes from reading at least 9 of Bruce’s posts in one day. I am currently doing heavy research on this disorder, but so far have not come up with a plausible “how” to his methods? My best guess is he somehow is capable of reading your every thought once you have followed his posts, and then he simply induces a “fog like” state upon you through subliminal PC hypnosis. At that point he is in control of your every dental making decision. It happened to me one night, and I did not realize it until UPS brought me 14 lbs of dental floss that I had “ordered” from Amazon with express delivery. Then there was the incident with the flatbed order of mouthwash. That one really tapped my checkbook. Still gives me nightmares.
The only way to combat this disorder is to stop reading Bruce’s posts at #8 each day. I will continue research and get back to you.

Theo, nice porcelain caps dude. \:\)

Do fish actually kiss?