Brettski :

That is an easy one to answer. You are suffering the first symptoms of the life threating bite of a toothed Condello strain BG. Originally created by Dr. Frankenbruce to lure new dental clients based on thier fabulous teeth they are now out of control after chewing off the legs of igor # 3 when he stepped into their pond to pull out the good Dr. who fell in while wildly LOL about his creation. They are the first species that can make contact (move through phone/cable lines) to attack unsuspecting PB'ers. Sorry about your condition but many of us suffer from it and continue to post with less than full mental capicity. \:D \:D \:D ;\) :p

ps : That is why many of us are concerned about Dr. F's (new good term for him) new creation the cannibal YP who we think may not need lines to attack PBers and can function in cold temps. They seen to have a paranormal ability after escaping the boiled alive event. Deb where are you and your crew of paranormal seekers, we have a job for you in Neb. \:D Help us before these two strains of BG and YP cross and all hope is lost.