You know, with me getting all sentimental, how can you not reflect back on some of the classic posts of 2005.

We all remember how Theo discovered after years of problems, that horse tanks hold water more effectively when the open end is pointed up.

And who could forget Bill Cody, who informed us that every time he ran his aerator for 30 minutes that he was projected half an hour into the future. That kind of thing is just priceless.

And what about our friend Sunil? His classic post, when he told us that he could make better decisions on pond management by lining the entire inside of his house with aluminum foil. I mean really! Where else can you get this kind of information.

And then there's ewest. He may have saved us all hundreds of hours of frustration when he posted a link, that led to another link, that led back to the first link. He went round and round for days before a passerby pulled him free. Had he not informed us of this potential problem....well, who knows the tragic consequences?

There have been countless posts, by countless caring pondmesiters that make this forum what it is. I tip my hat to all of you.

Does anybody remember any more of the classics?

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.