Dear Pond Bass Members,
>I know your organization is all about Bass, and God Bless you for that. \:\) I need some help from a fishermens point of view and thought maybe someone may have some sage advice.

Like I said, I don't know if any of your readers can help, but
hear goes! If not, could you point me in the right
> direction , person, study, researcher etc?
> This is not a joke or a prank. I am seriously
> interested in this and hope you can assist.
> I am not a professional fisherman, but I am always
> looking for an egde, or trying to think of something
> no else did in search of a trophy, world record,
> (catch and release only) fish. Even trying to "think
> like a fish" as some of the old guides say, hasn't
> worked for me.
> So I thought maybe the sicentific method might have
> some clues or similar studies might be compartive.
> I am looking for any research, study or statistical
> analyses probability for locating the "largest fish"
> in a given body of any fresh-water lake.
> Example: Say a given lake is 500 acres in area and is
> 55 feet deep. The temperature varies, normal
> paramiters throughout the thermocline depending on the
> season. Somewhere within that body of water there is
> "the largest" of a given biological species, the
> muskllunge and big definition, "the largest fish in
> that lake"!
> If regulated netting samples show the "average" musky
> is between 18"-36" and much larger fish are known to
> habitat the lake, is there any way for a statistical
> study to determine given he depth, feeding habits,
> mating and reproduction habits, water temperature,
> lake area demensions, forage etc., where, within
> reason, this particular fish is most likely or the
> "probability' of where it may be, at any given time
> where it spends most of it's time?
> Does it spend most of the day in deep water?
> How deep?
> Does it feed actively all day?
> All night?
> Once a week?
> Is it in shallow water most of the time, morning,
> evening?
> Does it spend 90% of the time in very deep water and
> only feed late and very early?
> Does it size play any role in it's elusivness?
> Unless I see the fish in the water or actually catch
> it, it could be anywhere? But where..... That's the
> question! Where do the "stats" say it should be or
> most likely will be? What part of the lake should I
> concentrate on and increase my chances of at least
> raising my chances of an encounter?
> Or does my question have just to many variables and
> random probabilty for statistical analyses to
> accurately be applied? I don't know.
> How I have not taken up to much time. Any advice
> would be appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> Tim Collins
> Antioch, Illinois