You are right...I allowed emotion to surface in attempting to demonstrate that nothing is more cruel to nature than nature itself. As far as being scientific, I have been called to hundreds of animal damage cases over the years and have more pictures and diary entries depicting that exact description of a kill than you would care to be bored with. In 90% of those cases, none or a small portion of the kill was eaten.
We (wildlife managers) always tend to favor the joyful rewards of our programs rather than deal with the ugly reality of things like predator control. When we takeover direction of an ecosystem, in whatever capacity, we must also assume responsibility for the negative shifts in population dynamics that follow. Like millions, Tim has injected livestock agriculture into a wild environment and must deal with the inevidable consequences.
Tim has got a severe problem resulting from unatural "learned behavior" of some predator and must get the right kind of help, quick.

THANKS to all for numbers of emails coming in,