rt - keep in mind that our pond is 40+ years old, there is sediment that has collected in the crevices of the rocks that the milfoil can root itself in. We also have regular sechi disc readings in the 7-8ft range which promotes deep weed growth. I have been trying to figure out how to keep the water clarity down so the weeds don't grow so deep in our pond. BTW - the water clarity and weed growth in our pond is an "anomaly" in eastern NE.

Here are some of the reasons our water is so clear and why the weeds grow so deep our pond.

1. Large cedar trees line both the north and south shore which prevents strong winds from stirring up the sediment along the banks.

2. 2/3 of our pond has rock lined banks that prevent sediment from getting stirred up by the wind.

3. We have prairie grass and broam grass surrounding the pond before any runoff enters the pond.

4. We have Eurasian Milfoil which over time creates a self feeding loop in which the water calms and clears, as it clears, this weed grows out deeper and deeper. Excess nutrients feed the mildfoil and coontail growth rather than feeding an algea bloom every year.

I hear you on the weed control, we just poured almost $1200.00 into the water in the last month.