
I had a scrap piece of Hardi Board that I wanted to experiment on. I took six differnt cans of Minwax wood stain that I have on my shelf and put it on the Hardi Board. I put on one coat and then a stip of green paint. The green matches my metal roof and should give me an idea of how it will look with trim paint and a metal roof.

It's only one coat, so I expect some fading. The next time I have to stain something, I'll put a second coat on half of it to compare the difference.

It's been sitting outside on the roof of a parts car that I'm playing around with. It's been exposed to the elements for a month now with no noticible change. I've got a year or two until I build my cabin, so there is plenty of time to see how this works out.

Thanks for the idea, I love the way your home turned out and I'm exited about the possiblities of using Hardi Boards that will look like real wood.


Lake Marabou

It's not how many ideas you have, but how many you make happen.

3/4 and 4 acre ponds.