Thanks for the support guys. I'll return the favor some day if you need it. For now I'll Pray you don't. We were lucky the rains weren't as bad as the radar was showing. The spillways are running full but no worries for now. All I can say is the LORD has blessed us again. Can I have a HEY MEN?. 12 years living on the pond (15 feet away), today was the closest we have come to flooding. The worst thing was having to be on the phone with my wife and I'm a hour away helpless, all I could do was prey and tell her to flip the breakers and get out and head up the hill. We were lucky so many folks around our area have not been. I pray for those folks that have lost love ones. I'll talk spillways latter it's hard to think about those things at the moment. God bless all of you.

The road goes on forever and the party nevers end...............................................