Okie in stocking advanced sized fish the stocking #s go down from those used for stocking small 2in stocker fish. Those larger stocking #s assume mortalities to the small fish which don't exist with advanced sized stockers. Your 4 in BG will spawn this summer as will the FH. GShiners now would be a good choice. TShad use a different niche in the pond than BG and Shiners but you may be to far north for them over time. Once you get to the point that 50% of you LMB are over 18in you might want to look at GShad . Tilapia are also an option.

I would forget adding more FH and add some more CNBG or BG (3-5 in - 250) and some adult GShiners. Next spring I would add 2in LMB ( 400 = 300 F-1s and 100 Norhtern). If you wait until fall 08 then go with 250 6-8in with 175 F-1s and 75 Northern. You have to leave room for growth. For example 300 LMB @ avg 3lbs = 900lbs / 5 acres = 180lbs of LMB per acre. That is high and does not count the offspring of those LMB. If you are in south Okla then you might want to sub in a few Fla LMB (30) for some of the F-1s for the genes and size. If you are going to try that then wait until you can get 10in verified female Flas.