Oops...It is 8 pm Eastern time...7 Central. I edited it above. Good catch...
Had a great evening meal with Dr. Larry Varner, his bride and their daughter (Dr. Varner is Purina's Deer guru), Drs Griffin and Ballam with Max Fisher, the show's producer.
Purina sees what's going on with the pond management business and they want to do their part...they are open to new ideas how to take better care of animals, including fish. Of course, they are in the feeding business, but they are wise enough to see that what they do is more than food...it's a teaching and learning process.
Tomorrow will be a blast.
We meet at 9:30 to rehearse, watch B-roll film and make our final preparations. Then, we head to the RFD-TV studios at 5 pm, Central time.
Let's Go!

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...