
How big will your stockers be? It looks like you'll be quite short of forage for the LMB; even if they're very small now, they'll grow a lot this summer, and if there's not much reproduction of anything else by summers end, they'll be hungry and perhaps eating things you'd rather they didn't. Your RES aren't big produces, and the HBG won't produce much at all, so your bass will initially be depending on FHM, which between the LMB, RES, and HBG will be getting a lot of predation-probably too much to really flourish. You could 1]wait on LMB while your forage base is getting established or 2]stock a bunch of larger BG that, especially if fed, might spawn 2 or 3 times before fall or 3] both 1 and 2.

It looks like you're a catfish fan!