EW thanks for your inputs looks like I just need to do a little more work to be complete, I'm gonna get the chain saw out on some cedar trees this week end.

Thanks Brett, I guess my trick worked. The last picture is a 3D model of the pond during the construction phase. The model was used to determine yardage in the Dam. I had originally planned to create deep channels chris crossing each other running from the earthen piers to the deep area in front of the dam. My contractor, well us say he wasn't into that. He seemed to have some phobia about leaving dirt in the hole. He just kept digging the hole bigger. I was to far into the project to fire them so I lost. It turned out ok because I had the kubota and I had a lot of fun doing my own thing anyway. In hind sight I will hire them again even though they just don't specialize in fishing ponds. I like the rest of the work they did.

The road goes on forever and the party nevers end...............................................