BlackJack a dirtclod will melt away and be vanished for ever. Even thou you have such a low self esteem and no pond yet you deserve better. I am naming the concrete culvert pipe in your honor. It's now officially named the Blackjack Cat House.

Ewest thanks I'll be looking foward to seeing the display at the convention.

OK techincal quiz time. PLease provide feed back on if these structures are at good depths or need to be adjusted.

The stocking plan for now is LMB, BG, & BLUECATS

1.The liberty road shelve is 2 to 3 foot deep.

2.The bottom of the Gator tractor tire is 10 ft deep.

3. Brettski's palace and the 2 remaining (unnamed tire structures) are about 8 ft deep.

4. The Blackjack cathouse & Captain Compulsive cat kennels are about 5 to 6 ft.

5. The Meadowlark humps and bumps are about 2 to 3 ft deep at their tops, approximately 5 ft deep at their bottoms.

6. There is also the tree about half of it will be covered in 4 foot deep water. no need to comment on this one cause I ain't moving it. Just needs a proper name.

7. The silt catch pond formally known has the Hickenbottom hole in honor of Bruce Condello is not complete. I ran out of DOE. It is to shallow and will most likely fill the first heavy runoff. I plan to rent or hire a Track hole to come and dig it as deep as the machine will go, maybe 20 ft or so. The Hickenbottom hole currently has an 18 inch ADS pipe thru the dam. This pipe will not handle large runoff events. The emergency spillway is cut flat about 75 ft wide and 100 yards long before it reaches the main pond. I'm curious if I should put some kinda of silt sock around the pipe intake or will this restrict the flow to much. I believe that the pipe will handle moderate runoffs and reduce eroison of the spillway. The pipe is necessary because this stream in normal years will flow for months and I don't want the spillway to stay wet. Any thoughts on this one would be appreciated.

The road goes on forever and the party nevers end...............................................