OK Bob so perhaps you haven't been cloned, this however is merely circumstantial evidence and not definitive proof. Perhaps both you AND your clone were out living the Pond Boss rock star lives. If only the government would allow me to take control over a spy satellite so that I could train a camera on you and determine once and for all whether or not you have been cloned. I still believe that you have been cloned because I don't believe it's possible for one person to accomplish as much as you do in a week and go as many places as you go. Unfortunately the government is stingy with their spy satellite time and now after my repeated requests they have a "file" on me. That I don't mind but the dark sedan that follows me around is a little nerve racking.

Anyhoo, the mag will get here sooner or later and when it gets here I'll read it cover to cover as always. No worries from this subscriber.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)