Boy do I hear you guys. Great topic. I really thought I was the only one sick enough to dream of new ponds and bridges and docks and digging holes. I'm glad I'm more normal than I thought \:\) What you guys describe is the exact scenario that occurred that resulted in my first pond, my bridge across my pond, my second pond, and a few smaller projects. Eddie's description of his dock is scary because it's exactly what happened to me with my bridge. I had the idea, it was haunting me, the water level dropped, I told me wife I had to build it while I could (she objected), I put off the honey-do list to build the bridge, my wife forgave me, and the water level has never been low enough ever since. To this day I often think how glad I am that I built it when I did because it would never happen again. This is all very weird. Let's face it, some things are just destiny!

Gotta get back to fishin!