Well thanks for responding. My pond is a little shy of an acre and a half and was built in April, 2001. My neighbor to the south wanted me to put my emergency spill way so it would run on his property. Hence, because he did not own to the drainage ditch. Neighbor is now divorced, and wife has the house. Father of the wife is calling everybody he knows because they now do not want water to flow on there property, ever. Even though that is where the drainage tile dumped it six years ago before I built the pond. I refused and then he started call Gov agencies. First it was DNR, they came and inspected said I did not fall in there jurisdiction. And now EPA nad corp of engineers are involved. Saying I need and needed a permit to put a dam on my property( since it is a stream, SO EPA SAYS). So They want me to build my dam to their specifications, I think?
Now I do have an extra amount of drainage that goes through my property. I get water from the EAST, NORTH And a few acres from North West