Ah yes, "insurance in case something weird happens.."

The first year we owned our pond, my friend and I were out on the canoe at around 1AM. It was about 45 degrees outside, and the water temps were maybe low 50's. At this time of night, we were not fishing, but instead just drinking, etc.

My friend is about 225 lbs. compared to my 155 lbs. He's in the front of the canoe.

Next thing I know, the canoe starts hard rocking from side to side, and then in the drink we go. That cold water is pretty exhilirating when you dont' expect it.

I did have a moment of fear as the many layers of clothing I was wearing got soaked through. We were in about 15' of water, and I was shocked for a moment, before I swam for shore.

In the end, CSI determined that it was not our fault at all, but instead that Navy Seal Team 6 was on night manuevers, and sabotaged our ship. My friend swears that when he was underwater, he came face to face with a frog-man, and had to grapple & fight for his life.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."