Well...it would have been nice to have a contract so that you'd know when they'd be back. Now, you're kinda stuck, huh? My ponds' just a dammed up ravine in s.e. Iowa...dam wasn't anything special. Lotsa clay where I'm at. Thing got about 6 feet deep first winter, dried down a foot or so, then up another 3 or 4 feet that first summer, then down a foot or so, then up to it's current 15-16 foot level, but still needs 2 feet or so.

It never really dropped terribly after the soil first got saturated, but as it climbs, I notice it goes up several inches, then backs down a bit before it stabilizes. Sounds like you need more rain, or compaction or a clay cap if there's any sand there...

I'd sure find out what "eventually" means....don't want them coming back in 2-3 years after the dang thing has completely filled (as much as it's going to) and demanding the rest of the free dirt you "owe" them.

In a lifetime, the average driver will honk 15,250 times. My wife figures I'm due to die any day now...