How tied to your job are you?

I quite a $70,000 a year job with union benifits and pension 5 years ago to live in the country and be my own boss. I don't make near what I used to, but I have more cash then I ever did. My expenses living in the city were very high, but now I'm debt free and I'm off more days than I work.

I would never, ever want to commute. You ony have one life, make is a good one. Driving to and from work isn't part of good livin.

I'd think your land will just continue to increase in value. You know what you have, you're happy with it and you are under no preasure to leave. If you can relocate your job to an area you'd rather be, then it makes sense. If not, wait until you retire and then you'll get allot more money for your land and you can live anyplace you like.


Lake Marabou

It's not how many ideas you have, but how many you make happen.

3/4 and 4 acre ponds.