Gator, your comment about the "plus column" was brought up by my Pop and others as well. I'm going to weigh the positive and negative side by putting everything in ledger form before making my decision...after all, time is on my side. There's enough city boy in me to know my property needs will remain recreational. My wildlife/pond goals weigh the same, a decent drive to seclusion is mandatory from DFW. Moving from Eastland County to somewhere near Coleman would be a 40 minute addition to my 183 mile trip...It's not as bad as it sounds, my trips out generally last 3 days. I sure like the thought of seeing more deer in a 5 limit, if I can only couple that with an agricultural sized well ! and a cabin, and a draw that a bulldozer could close and double the size of my current this the "dreaming" thread ? \:D