Originally posted by overtonfisheries:
There you go ewest.

200 HSBs per acre, averaging 5 lbs ea = 1000 lbs per acre. This amount of fish biomass is completely sustainable with an aerated pond...easy actually. What the guy does after reaching this goal is up to him.....but harvest would be advisable to allow for further growth of the remaining population and for restocking.

Easy...stock them, feed them, catch them, eat them, restock them. Not complicated or pushed from the fish dealer.

I didn't make up the 1000 pounds per acre...I was only reacting with surprise at how easy and completely sustainable you characterized 1000 pounds per acre as being. Geez, I would have thought 400 pounds per acre a couple of years after stocking was scary in our Texas climate....but to learn that 1000 pounds is easy....well it surprised me.

I think a discussion of the 1000 pounds per acre and the stocking rate was in order so that all could make up their own minds. I also think a search of past posts on this topic is very revealing. If I misstated anyone's words, then my bad...but I remain surprised at the stated ease of sustaining 1000 pounds per acre in the Texas summers.