Originally posted by Sunil:
Frankly, this thread has not been too controversial.

You can only state your own thoughts.

You cannot challenge anyone else's.
I agree with that to a certain extent, but I have had people explain their feelings to me in an intelligent manner, and softened my stance a little, only to find out years later that I had completely changed my opinion.

I completely agree that I'll likely never totally change someone's opinion with an argument, but I really enjoy the discourse when it's kept non-confrontational. Actually I don't reallly want to change their opinion. I just don't want my rights to ever be taken away, so I like to let others know how much I value certain freedoms. Recently I met a Colorado football fan who stated that Nebraska fans always need "patted on the back" for how great they are. Well I knew that was one argument I didn't need to participate in. For once in my life I left well enough alone and took a quick exit.

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.