A few years back, I read a brief article in a fishing magazine (In-Fisherman, I think?). They were attempting to verify the length of a fish via an old photo. I think it was a pike or a musky.

An ex-military intelligence officer had wrote in; he had a lot of experience analyzing photos.

He suggested that a grown man's hand would exhibit a pretty certain amount of distance between the middle knuckle and the last knuckle on a certain finger. I think it was 1.5"

If I measure my middle finger's knuckle distance (because george's right middle finger seems to be showing clearly), I measure 1.5"

If george's is 1.5", than I think that smallie must be over well 21" long.

I wonder if that smallie isn't 5lbs. or a little more.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."