Last Thursday, I flew into Dallas Fort Worth to travel on to Hugo, OK. for a power plant job. The schedule and work scope was vague, so I knew I might have time to visit with some fellow Pond Bossers after the job finished up.

I sent Dave Davidson a message saying that I might be around early in the week of Oct. 1, '06 and to see if he wanted to get together for a meal or a drink. He promptly sent me a note back with all of his phone numbers.

Well, my job got finished up this past Sunday night, so I was going to be able to fly out Monday morning.

So I called the Guvnor to let him know I was not going to be able to meet.

I've never spoke to him before, but when I called him, it seemed as if we'd known each other for years. We had a great discussion on all kinds of topics, and I was sad that I had to end the call as I got on the tram at DFW (so much of what he was saying was so funny that I'd be laughing out loud around other folks riding the tram).

Dave is quite a fellow and a country gentleman of the finest sorts.

I've only ever met in person one other PB member, however, it was the main man himself. Next years meeting is going to be a blast. Merely putting the sound of someone's voice to their name is quite amazing after having corresponded using the written word for so long.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."