Circulator Update-

We have had temperatures in the low to mid teens during the night and cold days too. With the circulator running for only 2 hours from 6AM-8AM the ice freezes over completely during the night. When the circulator kicks on at 6AM the water movement melts the ice in front of the circulator and the opening then spreads out to and along the shoreline in both directions.

I have included some photos so you can see what I am rambling on about. The photos were taken after the circulator had run for nearly the full two hours.

Circulator looking south:

Circulator looking east:

Circulator looking west:

Why does this interest me? Am I the only one? Did my brain overheat when I was a baby due to lack of cooling air circulation causing a circulation fixation? ;\)

Life is Good on Bremer Pond

Bremer Pond Weather