Sunil asked me:
Brettski, just out of curiosity, have you met any of the neighbors yet?
...segments of my reply:
Yes. I went out of my way to introduce myself and let them know what was going on in the woods behind each of them. I did this right about this time last year as we entered hunting season....... There are 2 younger families that I have the closest relationship with. They border each side of my long entrance lane........I have encouraged both, as friends, to take a look now and then at our progress.......already told me that he caught the brother-in-law of the previous owner walking back thru my drive and into the main block of woods. He said that he got on his golf cart and shagged him off.
When we visited the project yesterday, one of the above noted neighbors (golf cart story) followed us in to the pondsite. He is a nice young guy, just starting his family. He got out of his truck, smiled, and shook his head saying he's gonna have a hard time keeping the hunters off of our property. He said he came back after the last heavy rain to see how the pond was doing and saw a couple guys in the woods, hunting. He headed in their direction, they hi-tailed, ran across the harvested cornfield, and ripped off in their PU truck. This happened twice; similar circumstance. He said the above noted in-law of the prev owner still drives by reeeaaal slow, but won't stop.
This same neighbor has a near 2 year old boy with more on the way. He said he is thankful that we won't and don't allow hunting on our property because it is surrounded on a couple of sides with private residences on smaller 8 - 10 ac parcels. He appreciates the idea of no whizzing slugs or arrows comin' out of the woods. (I hoped so...hope the other neighbors feel the same...?) He noted something else that I had not considered. He also hunts a little and has a stand set up on his property. He doesn't want poachers mowing down the prey on my property before it migrates toward him; makes sense.
I like this guy and believe him. We discuss and share our postures and they seem to strike the same chord. I feel a little better knowing this.